Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Two weeks is an eternity

I came back from holiday last week to the usual mass of emails, conscious that I'd not really read any news while away (which was nice) and thinking "I need to update the blog". Travelling to London on the Monday morning, I was gifted a lovely example of how internal communications needs to be improved in large organisations so employees understand how super-connected the world is.

I was sat on the train opposite a "high flyer" from one of the UK's largest communications companies (x) who was on a conference call about a deal with one of the world's largest business intelligence companies (y). She didn't wish to be quiet on her call and announced to the whole carriage: "Well it sounds like y is as good as managing its data as x".

I had my mobile with me and could have posted this annoucement straight to Twitter. I was still in holiday mode though and thought this would be cruel at the time. But a hardened hack might not be so charitable, particularly if the conversation is about something more juicy than data.

I'm sure there's loads of examples of overhead conversations on trains but it's similar to when you present at an event now, remember it's not just to the 30 people in the room or in the carriage you're talking to!

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