Tuesday, 15 April 2008

Parting thoughts...

Today’s eForum demonstrated that the Web has exploded to offer at our fingertips all of humanity’s knowledge and creativity as well as its darkness and depravity due to Western governments’ light regulatory touch.

Web 2.0 technologies have given us the ability to communicate and collaborate on a global scale, creating new models of content creation and business as a result of largely unbridled innovation.

The problems associated with the lack of central control over User Generated Content (UGC) have also been driven by Web 2.0 technologies - copyright infringement, abuse and cyberbullying, privacy and internet bandwidth capacity - will continue to dominate (figures listed in today's Twitter postings here) as Web issues.

But a sustained light touch for regulation is needed, so those that have created the greatest internet platforms encouraging the fastest technological, social and cultural developments in the history of the world can solve the problems – and they will.
(For more on eForum visit the chair of the discussion and Ofcom Consumer Panel member, Roger Darlington's blogs where he will likely post his thoughts here)

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