Tech news links 01/02/08
Social media news
Youtube to pay out for user generated content from Jemima Kiss’s PDA
PDA round up from Jemima Kiss
Hull Daily Mail launches website written by local community from Press Gazette
New comScore stats highlight by The Register demonstrate fall in social networks popularity.
Having gone through the hype of MySpace and Facebook, it will be interesting to see where the cool kids will go next. Boredom is the big networks' biggest threat because of our six second attention span, anyway what was I saying....?
Social journalism
Guardian’s vlogging experiment on Current TV here – with Seesmic gaining popularity and Qik (mobile vlogging websites) seems like early tech adopters are trying to get back to video blogging (but from mobiles) to generate conversation as vlog responses which was what Youtube was about originally and not just pirate content online
BBC bureau and correspondents/stringers around world map mashup from Stuart Pinfold
Mobile video reporting from Davos via Darren Waters at BBC
Social media comment/ideas
Different take on WOM influence and reach from Guy Kawasaki
The idea of market readiness is interesting and certainly rings true for the explosion of Skype. Niklas Zennstrom often said that the reason that the internet telephony product got so big was because broadband pentration around the world had reached the right level (and speed). But in terms of PR we did concentrate on the early adopters and the half of the world that go out and seek information as opposed to the other half who are just happy to receive it.
Danah Boyd on Economist's social networking debate
Facebook backlash continues from Neil McIntosh
Social media research
The next evaluation of social media measurement from WOMMA blog
Comscore figures show dip for Independent website from Press Gazette
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