Mobile mad
At the risk of posting too much mobile news, here's a link to a new Global Mobile report from Netsize and Informa, which demonstrates of the 2.2 million GSM mobile standard subscribers worldwide, growth is strongest in African and Asian markets.
Titled, "Convergence: Everything's going mobile" it includes both up-to-date research and articles from head honchos at Nokia, Google, Vodafone and the like.
Unsurprisingly, China and India lead the pack in GSM and the research shows 3G has failed to take off in Europe, with people buying the phones but not the services. Music on mobiles has proved popular during 2006 with strong download sales but TV 'on-the-go' is where companies are focusing their efforts now.
Mobile growth in the UK is predicted to jump from 69,710 million subscribers in 2006 to 74,485 million this year.
Interestingly, there's a section on machine-to-machine(M2M) computing in the report. Using the Web as a network to transmit data from electrical products with embedded digital sensors, homeowners and businesses will be able to control and monitor machines and appliances remotely from mobile devices. Useful if you've left the lights on at peak time and therefore potentially energy-saving.